The Right Wing and Slippery Slopes
Go have a look.
Galician blogger Alejandro de Llano has told in his blog that he has been charged with the great crime of supporting Israel and being against the Palestinian people.Says Lady Vorzheva from Spain at the Toasted Bread blog, "It is unbelievable that someone is charged with this kind of crime in modern and democratic Spain." Unbelievable indeed - welcome to Europastan, where free thought is becoming illegal.
"There are probables in there. There are certainties in there. But the one absolute requirement on the basis of this is, we have to get prepared for the pandemic."Will health agencies of the world (and the taxpayers who support them) retain sufficient focus to remain on alert for pandemic H5N1 over such an extended period? See you in 2016...I hope.
al-Qaeda is left with nothing but to fantasize about creating a caliph state as long as they still have a foothold in the country and hope that some locals would change their mind and side with them.And as long as a weak-kneed Democratic party doesn't take over the House next month, Mohammed should have added.
"I think it’s critically important that we elect a Democrat and that Democrats take control of the House of Representatives.""You’d think this might be worth noting" says Blair. Yes, you'd think.
Philippe Karsenty, founder of Media Bistro, has been found liable and fined for “insulting” Charles Enderlin and France2 in the matter of the controversial Mohammed Al Dura video. This video, produced by Enderlin and promulgated by France 2, has been deemed a fake and called the Father of All Fauxtography. This was barely disputed at the trial and yet Karsenty was still found liable for saying so. Historian Richard Landes, who has been following this case for some time, has more.Truth should be a bulletproof defense against charges of libel, but apparently in France the truth doesn't matter - that is, if it's a politically-incorrect truth that embarrasses the government (France 2 is state-owned) and angers a vocal Muslim constituency.
This isn’t just about North Korea. Iran is watching this test of the Council’s will, and our decisions will surely influence their response to demands that they cease their nuclear program. Now, we must, at long last, stop reinforcing failure with failure.
This issue concerns our identity and our will to defend it with all peaceful means, while this is possible, and with force if necessary, but first and foremost in full awareness that it is a great civilization and that its progress, in spite of the many faults and mistakes, is based on its own intellectual, cultural, political, moral principles, and not just on massacres, violence, aggression, as is claimed by those who fall into the propaganda trap set by Islamic fundamentalists.
Working with the Iraqis was a unique experience. We had to remind ourselves on a regular basis that the jundi were not US Marines and could not be expected to behave like Marines in a gunfight. They did not display any of the aggressiveness that we expect of a Marine infantry unit, nor did they have much in the way of fire discipline. Many times we saw the “Iraqi death blossom” effect as jundi fired in random directions on automatic. On the other hand they were fearless – more like foolhardy – when they encountered IEDs, something that most Marines will give a wide berth. Despite their lack of tactical skill, it was hard to deny the advantage of speaking the local language. On several occasions they were able to pick out foreign fighters just from an accent or a word used by a detainee.As I've noted before, we don't hear nearly enough about the bravery and sacrifice of Iraqi soldiers who - with far less resources and training than our own troops have - are putting themselves in harms way to bring about a better future for their country. It's a absolute crime that terrorists who target Iraqi civilians get more coverage in the American media than the tens of thousands of Iraqi troops who are risking it all every single day.