Better late than never...
My apologies for lack of blogging recently - work and personal obligations have been taking my time, but the dust is now settling, thank goodness. Still a bit crazy for me around here, but just had to comment on the news that President Bush will deliver a major speech on immigration Monday night, possibly announcing a military deployment to the border - a move which some observers (like me) have been suggesting for months:
Officials told FOX News that there are ongoing discussions between the White House and lawmakers over the use of military and the National Guard to protect the border. White House adviser Karl Rove met with southern lawmakers this week about border security and the concept of using the National Guard.ABOUT. FREAKING. TIME.
I was a little worried about you. I'm glad you're back. I've missed sensible and logical debate. You can look at some threads at my blog to see what I mean.
As for defending the border with the military, I agree whole-heartedly. Maybe we're moving in the right direction on immigration for once.
Jeff, At
8:38 PM, May 12, 2006
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