Cavegirls gone wild

In the news today: Women may have invented weapons.
Well, duh - anybody who ever saw the epic 1966 documentary "One Million Years B.C." already knew this. Yet another example of lazy journalists not doing their research...
Labels: Misc
You can sure tell how a person thinks, when they put these kinds of pictures on their blog.Way to go, caveman!
Anonymous, At
2:42 PM, February 23, 2007
And you sure can tell a lot about a person who posts anon - i.e., he/she is a spineless POS.
Garry, At
3:10 PM, February 23, 2007
Let me see, spineless because of "anon?" How 'bout "spineless" that your leader in ineptness chief has led our country in a phoney War, has raised our debt, hasn't done anything for the USA, left Katrina & Gulf Coast out to dry, and is taking any small amount of Freedoms away from our citizens? Now that, my fine feathered friend, is spineless. But I digress, it's all in the name of Christianity, so it's OK. You all crack me up.
Anonymous, At
3:24 PM, February 23, 2007
**Yawn** Boilerplate libtard ranting, as facile as it is false. Take it somewhere else, troll.
Garry, At
5:32 PM, February 23, 2007
Garry, I respect your lack of blockingness. I think it's the best way to run a blog.
But dude-- do we have to listen to this guy anymore?
Anonymous, I find it hilarious that you obviously spend a great deal of time reading and thinking about Moondawg's every post, just to get mad. My guess is you enjoy being mad. Well fine-- but there are lots better things to get mad about.
Like child soldiers, maybe.
Unknown, At
1:12 AM, February 26, 2007
Actually nosurf, over the weekend I changed my settings so that anon postings are no longer permitted. Life is too short to waste one nanosecond on infantile trolls such as this.
Garry, At
2:36 PM, February 26, 2007
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