An Apology
You may have recently heard that Robert Redford is demanding an apology. Very well, I'll be glad to give him one:
~ I am so very sorry, Mr. Redford, that you think being a Hollywood star makes your facile views on national defense worth listening to.
~ I deeply regret you are moronic enough to believe that "political diversity has been attempted to be thwarted", when every left-wing moonbat in the country has been spewing their bile unabated and at high volume during the last six years (including your own peers, Mr. Redford - Barbara Streisand ring a bell, Bob ol' chum? Michael Moore? Alec Baldwin? Susan Sarandon?).
~ I also sincerely regret you are arrogant enough to imply that people who disagree with you must not possess "a rational mind" or "a sense of decency", even as your own Sundance festival makes a mockery of the concept of decency.
~ And finally, Mr. Redford, I am sincerely sorry that you still cling to sad old '60s rallying cries like "truth to power", and that you are deluded enough to think that such bromides are still cutting edge.
So there's your apology, Mr. Redford. And no need to thank me, I was happy to help.
~ I am so very sorry, Mr. Redford, that you think being a Hollywood star makes your facile views on national defense worth listening to.
~ I deeply regret you are moronic enough to believe that "political diversity has been attempted to be thwarted", when every left-wing moonbat in the country has been spewing their bile unabated and at high volume during the last six years (including your own peers, Mr. Redford - Barbara Streisand ring a bell, Bob ol' chum? Michael Moore? Alec Baldwin? Susan Sarandon?).
~ I also sincerely regret you are arrogant enough to imply that people who disagree with you must not possess "a rational mind" or "a sense of decency", even as your own Sundance festival makes a mockery of the concept of decency.
~ And finally, Mr. Redford, I am sincerely sorry that you still cling to sad old '60s rallying cries like "truth to power", and that you are deluded enough to think that such bromides are still cutting edge.
So there's your apology, Mr. Redford. And no need to thank me, I was happy to help.
"every left-wing moonbat in the country has been spewing their bile unabated and at high volume during the last six years (including your own peers, Mr. Redford - Barbara Streisand ring a bell, Bob ol' chum? Michael Moore? Alec Baldwin? Susan Sarandon?)."
Name one liberal who gets as much airtime as Shaun Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, or Bill O'Reilly.
Okay, I'll give you one, Olbermann, but he still doesn't get the viewers that the others do. TV news and opinion is dominated by conservatives, as is political radio, so where exactly are all the left-wing moonbats spewing their bile? I'd like to watch, so please tell me.
BTW, I've always wanted my head next to an outhouse. Thanks for fulfilling my dream :).
Anonymous, At
4:31 PM, January 24, 2007
BTW, I'm not an apologist for Hollywood liberals. Most are quite stupid and give smart liberals a bad name. That being said, Redford is better than most. He's done an awful lot of good on environmental issues.
Anonymous, At
4:33 PM, January 24, 2007
Aw, give me a break Jeff. You guys have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, the NY Times, the WaPo, the LA Times (and pretty much every other newspaper editorial board in the country), and we have - talk radio and Fox News.
In any case, Redford was implying that the Bush administration was somehow "thwarting" liberal political speech. There is nary an iota of evidence to support that charge.
And I'm glad you like the new graphic - notice that I gave you the Left side of the outhouse!
Garry, At
1:43 PM, January 25, 2007
I'll give you ABC and the newspapers. I'd concede on MSNBC as well, except three of their opinion shows are by conservatives--Tucker Carlson, Joe Scarborough, and Rita Cosby (who's heinously obnoxious, btw). Their other two opinion shows, Olbermann and Chris Matthews tend to lean more to the left. That's pretty balanced.
What about the NY Post, Washington Times, etc.? There are right-leaning newspapers as well. As for the rest of the TV stations, they're pretty balanced imo.
As far as the "thwarting" of liberal speech, I guess as long as you didn't mind getting called "unamerican," "traitorous," or "an enemy of the state" (You can thank Hannity for that last one), you can speak liberal talk all you want. That's probably what Redford was talking about, but I'm not sure.
Jeff, At
10:00 PM, January 27, 2007
So here we have it at last - liberals should be free to say anything they want, without fear of forceful rejoinders from those who hold opposing viewpoints.
So it seems that you & Redford believe freedom of speech means freedom from criticism.
Conservatives often get assailed with far worse rhetoric, but you never hear us whine about being "thwarted".
Garry, At
8:46 AM, January 29, 2007
So here we have it at last - liberals should be free to say anything they want, without fear of forceful rejoinders from those who hold opposing viewpoints.
Calling someone a traitor who isn't one isn't a "forceful rejoinder" (since it is a capital offense). It does nothing to promote rational discourse. You can disagree, even be "forceful" in your disagreement without questioning the patriotism or loyalty to country of someone. Unless, of course, you actually believe that liberals are traitors, in which case, we need to have a long discussion about what that word means.
Conservatives often get assailed with far worse rhetoric
While I understand that the political discourse in the country is horrible and mean, I'd really like an example of what is "far worse" than being called a "traitor" or an "enemy of the state." Could you please give an example? (Remember, being a traitor gets you executed, and being an "enemy of the state" gets you sent to Guantanamo for the rest of your natural life.)
Jeff, At
9:32 AM, January 29, 2007
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