"Please use caution when opening the overhead bin as WMDs may have shifted during flight"
A former Iraqi General, Georges Sada, now says that in 2002 Saddam Hussein moved his chemical weapons stockpiles to Syria in anticipation of UN weapons inspections that preceded Operation Iraqi Freedom. Gen. Sada said the chemical agents were loaded onto two Iraqi Airways passenger planes that had their seats removed so they could carry the material; the two planes made 56 trips to Syria ferrying the deadly cargo.
This would seem to confirm the suspicions of the chief weapons inspector for the Iraq Survey Group, who last year said that they could not complete their investigation because ISG was "unable to rule out the possibility that WMD was evacuated to Syria before the war".
Of course this new information won't silence the barking moonbats who cry "Bush lied!", since they have been immune to facts all along - including the fact that Iraq admitted having proscribed weapons and programs before they booted UNSCOM out of the country in 1998.
This would seem to confirm the suspicions of the chief weapons inspector for the Iraq Survey Group, who last year said that they could not complete their investigation because ISG was "unable to rule out the possibility that WMD was evacuated to Syria before the war".
Of course this new information won't silence the barking moonbats who cry "Bush lied!", since they have been immune to facts all along - including the fact that Iraq admitted having proscribed weapons and programs before they booted UNSCOM out of the country in 1998.
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