MoonDawg's Den: September 2007

MoonDawg's Den

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My Political Transformation

This post is probably pertinent to post here as well. I'm trying to get back to blogging after quite an absence.

Rethinking Things pt. 1 (Politics) posted at The Multifaceted Me


Saturday, September 08, 2007

So Hsu me

Over at Riehl World View yesterday Dan Riehl got a threat from Hillary Clinton campaign photographer Stephen Schwartz for having this photo of the Hildebeast and that wacky now-you-see-him-now-you-don't Chinese money man Norman Hsu posted on his blog without Schwartz's permission.

Dan has taken down the offending photo, but I and other bloggers will keep posting it until the Clintonista chekists come a-calling. If I also have to remove the pic, you can still find it here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Controlling them dang internets ain't so easy, is it Mr. Schwartz?

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Friday, September 07, 2007

That *had* to hurt...

On the O'Reilly show LTC Ralph Peters (ret.) smacks down the lying POS Chuck Schumer for his vile, dishonest smear of US troops in Iraq during a speech in the Senate this week:


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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Where's Slim Pickens when you need him?

As Instapundit would say, heh.

(via Op-For)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day Disaster

UPDATE - This post of mine from last year's hurricane season is still relevant, especially for us folks here in Jaw-juh: And the winds fell upon them...

Most Americans don't have hurricanes on their mind as they enjoy a holiday day of barbeque & brew, even with the monster Felix the Cat 5 spinning in the Atlantic this very moment. But we are about to enter the peak period for the Atlantic hurricane season, and people on the US East & Gulf Coasts should already have their family disaster plans in place in the event they are impacted by a tropical cyclone.

On this very day 77 years ago - Sept. 3rd, 1930 - at least 4,000 people were killed in the Dominican Republic by a Category 4 or 5 hurricane that smashed into Santo Domingo with winds between 150 to 200 mph, nearly wiping out the city.

The storm traversed Cuba and appeared it was headed towards the Yucatan Peninsula when it made a hard right turn, crossed over Florida as a tropical storm, then moved back into the Atlantic and regained hurricane strength as it brushed Cape Hatteras in North Carolina. Such unpredictiablity is only partially mitigated by today's generally - but not completely - accurate computer forecasting models. Bottom line, keep your eye on the Caribbean Sea during every hurricane season because anything can happen.