MoonDawg's Den: The Right's Assault on Education

MoonDawg's Den

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The Right's Assault on Education

For the past two weeks, conservatives have taken two classroom incidents that they deem inappropriate and used them to vilify every teacher in America as a liberal hack who just wants to indoctrinate our kids. This is wrong.

I have talked extensively about this issue on my blog; therefore, I won't regurgitate my thoughts here. I'll just post links:

Confessions of a Mormon Liberal: Why is it wrong to make kids think?

Confessions of a Mormon Liberal: Education: The Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy??

Confessions of a Mormon Liberal: Orwell and the Junior Spies

I believe that this issue is of the utmost importance. Of course, I am a teacher, and I see these things through that lens, but I'm also a parent and citizen in a country that has a serious education problem. Blasting teachers with false accusations and threats, however, is far from the way to fix it.



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