“I’m going home a citizen”

Yesterday the Georgia 48th Brigade PAO reported that nine of the BCT's troopers became U.S. citizens, and became a part of military history in the process. This story provides a nice counterpoint to the recent whining protests by people who believe that illegal immigration is a civil right:
Soldiers of the 48th Brigade Combat Team throughout Iraq representing varying cultural histories and countries proudly recited the oath of citizenship in the largest naturalization ceremony held in a combat zone."That flag means a lot to me," said a Nigerian native, Sgt. William Awopeju-Williams. "When I look at that flag, I know one piece of that thread belongs to me. Just the fact that I am here and what I have done makes me feel closer and more proud to have served for this country."
After the ceremony a Bahamas native, Sgt. Anethra Adderly, said "I'm going home a citizen". More than that, Sgt. Adderly - you're going home as a citizen and a hero.
That guy needs a major salute. Good on him!
Rudy Carrera, At
10:14 PM, April 14, 2006
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